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PAC Contribution

PAC Contribution Details » Donate Online

What is OLTAPAC?
Ohio Land Title Association Political Action Committee, OLTAPAC, is a voluntary committee of individual citizens concern
ed with the future welfare of the title industry. It is a non-profit organization to promote and directly support the most competent candidates for public office.

  • organized to collect and disburse funds to assist our friends in the Ohio General Assembly with their campaigns for elections and re-election.
  • the political fundraiser for the title industry in Ohio.
  • not affiliated with any political party.



Platinum Donors
John Dyer
Jonathan Holfinger
Stan Hunter
Todd Jones
Jennifer Kellom
Ryan Marrie
Donald Mewhort III
James Saad

Gold Donors
$500 to $999

Ted Bush
Jeff Gammell
Thaddeus Rieger
Monica Russell
Kelly Spengler
Anne Taylor
Colleen Zirkelbach

Silver Donors
$250 to $499
Kimberlee Adamiak
Mark Bennett
Sabrina Christian-Bennett
Stan Hunter
Dione Joseph
Mary Nurre
Cory Thompson

Bronze Donors
$100 to $249
Brenda Craley
Jodi Diamond
Heather Hill
Matt Hood
Sherry Long
Kenny Natterer
Roccina Niehaus
Matt Russell
Michael Sikora
Rob Skidmore
Kelley Yarborough

Supporting Donors
Up to $99

Ruth Brunner
Neil Conway
Tim Evans
Tom Fiegl
Stephen Gregory
Amy Kaspar
Jordan Kennedy

How are contributions made?

Your contribution must be made by personal check, personal credit card, or money order and made payable to OLTAPAC.

If you prefer to mail your donation, please use our printable donation form.

  • 1201 Dublin Road Ste. 136 ยท Columbus, OH 43215
  • Phone: (888) 292-6582
  • Email: